NORWOOD, MA– Geeta Murali, an award-winning Carnatic Vocalist and teacher in Massachusetts, passed away Tuesday morning. Murali, a resident of Norwood in her mid-40s, died of cancer.
Murali grew up in Mumbai and came to the United States in 1990s. She sang and taught Carnatic music in Norwood area.
In an interview with Lokvani in 2006, Murali had said that she got interested in music because of her mother.

“I owe my interest in music to my mother. As a child, she never had the opportunity to learn music and she decided that she would do everything in her power to teach music to her children. She enrolled me in music class and put great effort in ensuring that I attended every class. If I was sick she would tell me to skip school so that I would be able to attend music class. In my younger days getting me to practice was not always easy,” she told Lokvani. “Many of the incidents in my life just seem to happen without much premediation and hence I know that it really is the Divine hand that is instrumental in making music central to my life.”
According to the 2006 Lokvani article, Murali received her diploma in music from The Bharatiya Music and Arts Society, Mumbai. She received training in music from stalwarts such as Shri A.S.Panchapakesha Iyer , Smt. T.R.Balamani (Mumbai) and Smt. Kamala Krishnamurthy (Mumbai). She was a graded All India Radio Artist and the winner of many awards including the prestigious Tambur award.
“When I was diagnosed with cancer, my first thought was for my daughter – God had given me a wonderful child but it seemed like I may not be there to see her grow up,” Murali told Lokvani. “During my treatment I did a lot of introspection as is natural at such times and I realized that I was being very egotistical in thinking that I was raising my child. I know now that I am but an instrument. This understanding has reduced stress in my life tremendously. It is at such times that one understands the value of each moment and I have learnt to treasure it. I now feel a sense of urgency to help people in anyway that I can.”