Meet Subu Kota: Combining Business and Community and the Recipient of the New England Choice Awards for Community Service 2019

Subu Kota --Photo: P. Taufiq
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BOSTON—In 2018, Subu Kota celebrated 50 years of his arrival in the United States, and the during the last five decades he launched nearly 50 companies of all shapes and sizes. But when it comes to business and charity, Mr. Kota is known for his giving and community service.

On Nov. 15, Mr. Kota will be honored with New England Choice Awards for Community Service at Westin Hotel in Waltham, MA. The event will be attended by about 440 entrepreneurs, corporate executives, philanthropists, educators and community leaders will attend the gala, which is sold out.

In September of last year, Mr. Kota, Founder & CEO of Boston Group USA, donated $1 million to promote cricket for the blind worldwide. Some of the charities and non-profits Mr. Kota has worked include India Society of Worcester (ISW), YMCA and Samarthanam Trust. He has served as trustee and chairman of ISW, helped raise $12 million to YMCA, one of the largest YMCA in boroughs in Massachusetts.

For 15 years, Mr. Kota has supported Woman of the Year gala that honors 20 women each year. In addition, his contributions to dozens of charities in India and the United States are well-known in philanthropic circles.

Mr. Kota is a serial entrepreneur with broad experience ranging from Information Technology Consulting, e-Learning Services and Pharmaceuticals Research and Manufacturing. He has been involved in start-ups in various sectors and is a charter membership of TiE Boston.

Here is a brief Q/A with Mr. Kota:

INDIA New England News: What do you like most about your work?

Subu Kota: Helping people to find job and help them grow in their professional career and mentor them. Life of young professionals coming from Indian can be very complicated and complex here. I try to help them and simplify their life.

INE: Who Inspired you the most and why?

SK: My adopted father. When I lost my father at the age 16, my adopted father (Panchakarla Subbarao) became everything to me. He helped me, guided me and taught me how to conduct myself. I built a school in his name. His contribution to my growth is much more important than my own father.

INE: What has been the secret of your success?

SK: Talk the truth. Never be too emotional. Maintain steady relationships. Be with friends and family without any conditions.

INE:  One advice you will give to the person you love?

SK: Always keep calm and expectations low. When things go wrong, it is not the end of the world. It is a steppingstone to rebuild your life or business.

INE:  How do you look at failure?

SK: Failure is my first name. I failed more than I succeeded.

INE: Your favorite books?

SK: How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

INE: Your favorite quote:

SK: “Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” ― Winston S. Churchill

INE: Top Three Favorite Movies?

SK: Godfather; Guide; and Maya Bazar.



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