Mansi Jain Crowned Two Awards at Northeastern University’s RISE:2016

Mansi Jain (Photo: Linkedin)
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Mansi Jain (Photo: Linkedin)
Mansi Jain (Photo: Linkedin)

BOSTON– Mansi Jain, a software engineering student and data analytics enthusiast at the Northeastern University, won two awards at RISE:2016, the university’s Research, Innovation, and Scholarship Expo, according to News at Northeastern.

Industry leaders judged some 400 projects, which detailed the work of more than 900 North­eastern stu­dents and fac­ulty. The judges sub­mitted their rat­ings and the top award win­ners were rec­og­nized at an after­noon recep­tion in East Village, according to the News.

We are very proud of you,” Pres­i­dent Joseph E. Aoun said in addressing the award recip­i­ents as quoted by the News. “I was talking to some of the judges and they were men­tioning the pas­sion. Some were talking about the bigger ideas that they saw.”

Here are this year’s award winners:

RISE Awards

Excel­lence in Research: Mansi Jain: Auto­mated Diag­nostic System for Gas­tric Cancer

Excel­lence in Inno­va­tion: John de la Parra: Biosyn­thesis of Plant-​​Derived Pharmaceuticals

Excel­lence in Schol­ar­ship: Sarah Solomon: Housing the Boston Homeless

Greatest Entre­pre­neurial Poten­tial: Colin Bernardo: 3D Scan­ning of Neu­roanatom­ical Structures


Grad­uate Inno­vator Award: Joshua Martin: Devel­oping Hier­ar­chi­cally Rein­forced Com­pos­ites Vi

Best Video Pitch: Jacob Ganley: Func­tion­al­izing Anti­bodies Using Flow Chemistry


Out­standing Stu­dent Research Awards

Com­puter and Infor­ma­tion Sciences

Under­grad­uate: Keith Har­ri­gian: Anonymity and Gender Infer­ence on Reddit

Grad­uate: Mansi Jain: Auto­mated Diag­nostic System for Gas­tric Cancer

Engi­neering and Technology

Under­grad­uate: Quan Do: A Sensor-​​Based App for Video Game Play

Grad­uate: Joshua Martin: Devel­oping Hier­ar­chi­cally Rein­forced Com­pos­ites Vi

Health Sci­ences

Under­grad­uate: Alyssa Long: Phar­macy Stu­dent Inter­ac­tions with Minority Groups

Grad­uate: Julie Goff: Gross Motor Group Effects on Chil­dren with ASD

Human­i­ties and Arts

Under­grad­uate: Sarah Solomon: Housing the Boston Homeless

Grad­uate: Joseph di Bella: Re-​​thinking Structure

Phys­ical and Life Sciences

Under­grad­uate: Joseph Chung: Devel­op­ment of a Flu­o­res­cent Western Blot of CFTR

Grad­uate: John de la Parra: Biosyn­thesis of Plant-​​Derived Pharmaceuticals

Social Sci­ences, Busi­ness, and Law

Under­grad­uate: Amelie Desrosiers: Path­ways to Progress

Grad­uate: Matthew Murry: Attach­ment and Emo­tion Per­cep­tion Across Adulthood

Inter­dis­ci­pli­nary Topics

Under­grad­uate: Shawn Jones: Triton SCUBA Diving Prosthetic

Grad­uate: Michael Williams: Human in the Loop Debris Collection

Photo by Matthew Modoono/Northeastern University

Photo by Matthew Modoono/​Northeastern University

Photo by Adam Glanzman/Northeastern University

Photo by Adam Glanzman/​Northeastern University

Photo by Adam Glanzman/Northeastern University

Photo by Adam Glanzman/​Northeastern University




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