Pakistan plays Kashmir card at UN, demands plebiscite

United Nations--Strongly raising the Kashmir issue at the United Nations General Assembly, Pakistan on Wednesday accused India of being in "illegal occupation" of Jammu...

Indian journalist asked to leave Pakistan press briefing in New York

New York-- Indian media was not allowed to attend a press briefing addressed by Pakistan Foreign Secretary Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry in New York, and...

Pakistan must stop giving safe haven to terrorists, Kerry tells Sharif

New York--Pakistan must stop giving a safe haven to terorrists, US Secretary of State John Kerry has told Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, while...

Pakistan killing intellectuals and history: Baloch freedom activist

By Ashish Mishra and Kushagra Dixit New Delhi-- An "identity crisis" looms before the Baloch people as Pakistan is killing their intellectuals and strategically suppressing...

Bleeding Balochistan: How it could dramatically impact India-Pakistan relations?

New Delhi--A simple reference towards the end of his Independence Day speech by Prime Minister Narendra Modi has thrown open Pakistan's festering Balochistan wound,...

China won’t take sides on Kashmir: Chinese media

By Gaurav Sharma Beijing--China will not stop building the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) despite India's protests but will also not side with either country over...

Suicide bomber kills 63 in Pakistan hospital

Islamabad-- A powerful blast ripped through a crowd in a Quetta hospital on Monday killing 63 people, mainly lawyers, in one of the worst...

Pakistan Islamist group designated by US as terrorists

New York--The US authorities have designated as a "global terrorist" a Pakistan-based Islamist organisation, Jamaat-ul-Ahrar, that claimed responsibility for the 2014 Wagah terror attack,...

South Asia second least peaceful region, Iceland most and Syria least peaceful nation

LONDON-- South Asia remains the second least peaceful region in the world, according to the tenth edition of the Global Peace Index.  Iceland is...

Miss Pakistan World: Pakistani women should unite against honour killings

By Gurmukh Singh Toronto--Miss Pakistan World Anzhelika Tahir, expressing shock over the murder of Pakistani model Qandeel Baloch by her brother in Multan, has called...
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