The Power of Ideas: When Does Old Age Start and Embracing Elderhood as a...
By Uma Hiremath
INE TED Columnist
BOSTON--One-sixth of the population in America are 65-and-older but account for 40% of hospital stays. That makes sense. Between the...
The Power of Ideas: Mental Shortcuts, Biases and Friendships
By Uma Hiremath
INE TED Columnist
BOSTON--Mental shortcuts. We use them all the time as heuristic devices to navigate a complex multilayered world. It works. It...
The Power of Ideas: Is the World Getting Better or Worse? Better, Of Course
By Uma Hiremath
INE TED Columnist
Aren’t we living through it? Curiously, that was a record claimed both at the end of 2016 followed by 2017....
The Power of Ideas: Mental Health Issues: How Could You Not Know?
By Uma Hiremath
INE TED Columnist
BOSTON--"Afterwards people asked, 'How could you not know? What kind of a mother were you?' I still ask myself those...
The Power of Ideas: The Paradox of Choice, Happiness and Making Choosing Easier
By Uma Hiremath
INE Ted Columnist
The average American reportedly makes about 70 big and small decisions in the course of an average day - oatmeal...
The Power of Ideas: Atul Gawande on How Do We Heal Medicine?
By Uma Hiremath
INE Ted Columnist
In this week’s news, Anne Bakjian of Georgia reportedly spent two weeks in hospital battling COVID-19. She recovered, but has...
The Power of Ideas: When We’re Lied to From 10 to 200 Times Daily,...
By Uma Hiremath
INE TED Columnist
What does that word evoke in you? Something negative, to be avoided, to be feared, reprehensible; in short, a moral...
The Power of Ideas: Where is Home and Where Do You Come From?
By Uma Hiremath
INE TED Columnist
BOSTON--Where is home? It could be that white picket-fenced cottage or that old timber-framed family house or that cozy apartment...
The Power of Ideas: How Craving Attention Makes You Less Creative
By Uma Hiremath
INE TED Columnist
BOSTON--"If you look to others for fulfillment, you will never truly be fulfilled" says the Tao. In this light but...