Soha Ali Khan & Kunal Kemmu pen their 1st children’s book series together

New Delhi-- Penguin Random House India is to publish a series of three picture books from actor duo, partners and parents Soha Ali Khan...

1857: The 1st War of Independence from an Indian perspective

New Delhi-- Drawn from the details provided by a Brahmin-turned-amateur-historian, this is a real story that follows two learned men as they traverse India...

‘This time for Africa’: Fair writing of and from the continent

VIKAS DATTA It was called the "Dark Continent", not only due to lack of (European) knowledge of its expansive hinterland, but also for political reasons....

Bookends: Ample romance, stories of power and beauty

New Delhi-- Flick through an exciting school romance, the difficult love affair of a ballerina, the struggle of a girl dealing with the gravitational...

Making our futile but necessary lives meaningful Camus’ Absurd way

By Vikas Datta All religions are based on fate, or some divine design and control over humans, and so are some philosophies (the universe conspiring...

The popular American ‘Western’ genre: How American and how true?

By Vikas Datta Bullets flying as gunmen confront each other in the streets or saloons, cowboys lassoing cattle on sprawling ranches across a starkly beautiful...

Book Review: Kolkata based short stories is a page-turner

By Somrita Ghosh Title: The House and Other Stories; Author: Amit Dasgupta; Publisher: Yoda Press; Pages: 128; Price: Rs 295 There's always something appealing about short...

A Q&A with Shoba Narayan, Author of The Milk Lady of Banglore

Shoba Narayan lived in the US for 20 years before returning to India. She is the author of the newly-published The Milk Lady of...

Scientists decode what makes a New York Times bestseller

By Allie Nicodemo News at Northeastern Landing a book on The New York Times bestseller list is one of the loftiest achievements an author can hope...

Before Priyanka Chopra’s memoir, new biography on the global star

By Saket Suman New Delhi-- A British film festival programmer once asked Aseem Chhabra, known for penning the biography of Shashi Kapoor, whether actress Priyanka...
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