WALTHAM, MA—INDIA New England News, one of the nation’s largest Indian-American news and video magazines serving the South Asian community, announced that Bala Sundaram, Vice Provost for Research and Dean of Graduate Studies at University of Massachusetts Boston, will be the keynote speaker at the award ceremony, honoring INDIA New England’s 20 Under 20 stars on Sunday, Dec. 9, at Hilton Woburn Hotel in Woburn, MA.
“We are very excited that Prof. Sundaram has agreed to grace the occasion and give out the awards to outstanding students who have made to the prestigious list of 20 Under 20,” said Upendra Mishra, publisher of INDIA New England News and its sister publications IndUS Business Journal and Boston Real Estate Times.
Prof. Sundaram was formerly Chair of the Department of Physics at UMass Boston. His research interests include quantum and classical chaos, the quantum-to-classical transition and applications of nonlinear dynamics in biology and cognitive science.
Related article:
INDIA New England News Announces 20 Under 20 List for 2018
Kanan Sachdeva, Northwestern Mutual is the exclusive sponsor of the 20 Under 20 reception and award ceremony for 2018.
The 20 Under 20 list published annually by INDIA New England News. The selection of the talented recipients is based on their academic achievements, extracurricular activities, athletic involvement, entrepreneurship and participation in the community service, volunteerism or skills in writing, arts and music, among other factors.
On Dec. 9, INDIA New England News will host the breakfast reception for the all 20 Under 20 winners of 2018 at Hilton Woburn Hotel in Woburn, MA. To buy a ticket, please click here.