Health Expo Attracts Top Speakers, Exhibitors and Attendees

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health-16-6BURLINGTON, MA—It snowed in April, but it could not stop hundreds of enthusiastic attendees, 60 speakers, and 30 exhibitors at the Mega Health Expo on Sunday at Burlington Marriott Hotel in Burlington, MA. And there was something for everyone: from modern medicine to yoga, meditation and alternative medicine, from financial planning for elders to physical fitness, beauty and anti-aging, and from exercise and marathon training to keeping fit with Bollywood dancing and numerous wokshops. (Photos in the slide are by Rasik Mehta and some participants and attendees.)

Manju-16-sizedIn addition, there were free health screenings provided by Indian Medical Association of New England.

“I have to say that my heart skipped a beat when I woke up in the morning and saw the piling snow,” said Dr. Manju Sheth, MD, a physician at Lahey Health and president of INE MultiMedia, which organized the fourth annual expo in collaboration with INDIA New England News. “It was heart-warming to see Health-16-3-exhibitionhundreds of people come with a single mission to learn from our experts. They not only liked talks by experts but also appreciated one-on-one time that was made available to address their personal health concerns with area’s best experts.  We are very grateful to all our speakers, moderators, sponsors, volunteers, participants and above all our community whose support has enabled us to institutionalize the expo in four years.”

Upendra Mishra, producer of the Health Expo and publisher of INDIA New England News, said that despite an initial delay in starting one track, all the tracks ran smoothly and on time.

Health-14-4“Now, we can say with confidence that our Health Expo has become the largest health and wellness expo in the United States and we are very grateful to our attendees, sponsors, exhibitors and vendors for its spectacular success,” Mishra said.

health-16-5-yogaThe Health Expo was organized by INE MultiMedia in collaboration with INDIA New England News, and was sponsored by Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Lahey Health, Cambridge Health Alliance, Neem Medical Spa, Boston Sound and Light Company and Alankar Decorators.

Anu Chitrapu served as director of alternative medicine and workshop tracks, and Dr. Deepa Jhaveri  served as co-director.




  1. The organizer’s hard work in finding good talented speakers , community interest based topics, and vendors made a huge difference in attracting
    community to participate and learn
    The team and the leadership of Dr Sheth and Upendra Mishra deserves commendations.
    Even snow god realized that he made mistake and sun came out
    Best wishes for future


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