New Delhi– After expanding its ad products to support Tamil, Bengali and Telugu across Search, Display Network and YouTube, Google on Tuesday said it would soon be adding support for other Indian languages, starting with Marathi.
“Our research shows that 88 per cent of users are more likely to respond to a digital advertisement in their local language as compared to English,” Kim Spalding, Lead – Product Management for the SMB and Emerging Market Advertising, Google said at the annual Google for India event.
“In addition to this, we are also introducing an India first ‘Form Ads’ on Search, that allows advertisers to generate leads seamlessly from their mobile search ads,” Spalding added.
In another India first launch, Google also introduced a campaign planning tool inside Google Ads that allows advertisers to plan reach-based video campaigns.
“Voice, video and vernacular are three big themes that capture the behaviours of India’s growing Internet users. Keeping up with the pace of change in India’s user behaviour, we’re doubling down on our efforts to innovate our ads products for India,” Rajan Anandan, Vice President, South East Asia and India, Google, said. (IANS)