Contraception myths busted

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New Delhi– Unplanned pregnancies can be damaging to the mother, physically and emotionally, and the social and economic ramifications are harsh, both for the mother and her partner.

“It is observed that many young people avoid using contraceptives or discontinue use, either due to misinformation or because they are worried about side effects. It is important to dispel misinformation to ensure that young people choose a suitable method of contraception and continue to use it appropriately,” says Dr Anita K Mohan, Consultant Gynaecologist and Obstetrician, SL Raheja Hospital, Mahim – A Fortis Associate.

She shares some common myths about contraception and explains why they are just myths.

Myth: contraceptives cause cancer!

Fact: Oral Contraceptive Pills actually reduce the risk of Ovarian and Endometrial (inner lining of the Uterus) Cancer, hence it is considered protective. Some association may exist between the pills and breast cancer; consult your doctor before starting on a pill

Myth: Condoms give 100 per cent protection from unwanted pregnancy

Fact: Condoms give only 80 per cent protection, which means that 2 out of 10 couples using condoms can end up with a pregnancy. Same holds true for ‘Safe Period’ and �Withdrawal Method’. However, condoms do protect against Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

Myth: If I take pills now, I may never have babies in the future

Fact: Oral Contraceptive Pills, or the combined oral contraceptives, are effective only while the woman is taking them regularly. As soon as she stops the pills, she can get pregnant – so there is no need to fear them

Myth: Weight gain happens due to the pills

Fact: Women gain weight due to various reasons, but there is no significant weight gain due to the pills. In fact, the pills can reduce menstrual bleeding and menstrual cramps. They also improve complexion and reduce facial hair and acne. The pills help to control Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and Endometriosis

Myth: Contraception is a woman’s problem

Fact: Pregnancy planning is a couple’s decision, so is contraception. The couple needs to find out which method is the most suitable for them; a gynaecologist can help them in this process.

The National Family Planning Program through �Hum Do’ aims to provide eligible couples with information and guidance on family planning methods and services available, to ensure individuals and couples lead a healthy, happy and prosperous life. (IANS)



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