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From festivals in Florida to touring Dracula’s digs in Romania, we round up the best destinations to visit this October. As summer abandons Europe again this October, eke out the last of the rays and raves in Ibiza, where nightclubs will be going out with a bang for the winter break. When the party finally stops head to the island’s north.

Nearness to grocery store may change the way you eat

New York-- A team of researchers, including an Indian-origin scientist, has revealed in a new study that people who live close to grocery stores...

Buttock implants fastest growing cosmetic surgery in US

New York--With procedures focusing on the derriere dominating surgical growth, 2015 was another year of the rear in the US, shows new data released...

Ability to ignore distractions makes you more efficient

New York--Honing the ability to ignore distractions may bring in dividends as researchers have found that people are more efficient when they know what...

Where runners go wrong

By Alvin Powell Harvard Staff Writer As evidence has mounted that distance running is not just a natural human activity enjoyed by millions, but one that...

Facebook or social media addiction can trigger cocaine-like high

By Nishant Arora New Delhi-- Can spending excessive time on Facebook or other social media be as dangerous as addiction to cocaine or gambling? Well, yes,...

Overuse of beauty creams causes acne, damages skin

New Delhi--Overuse of fairness and beauty creams is the root cause for acne and may lead to thinning of the skin, a leading dermatologist...

Top 5 Ways to Approach Women

By Jasbina Ahluwalia Approach anxiety is one of the most common feelings that stop a guy from talking to a woman they’re attracted to –...

Alcohol Harm Paradox: Why alcoholics from poor localities die earlier

London-- Is it true that rich people who drink alcohol live longer than those living in poor localities, who drink and die earlier? Yes,...

Bury your blood pressure in the kitchen

By Amar Chandel Don't let the high blood pressure that you have been diagnosed with scare you out of your wits. It is not exactly...

Chopra and Oprah Team for fitness-inspired meditation program set for March 21

WALTHAM, MA—Dubbed as “Shedding the Weight: Mind, Body and Spirit” Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey have once again teamed together to launch a fitness-inspired...
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