10 ways to remove a summer tan

New Delhi-- Summers are here in full splendour, and all those who love sunshine and adventures in the Sun, also have a fear of...

5 Reasons why you should incorporate peptides in your skincare

New Delhi-- Over the past few years, skincare and the patterns related to it have changed significantly. Every two months, we notice a particular...

Bookmark these six flattering hairstyles for your next beach vacation

BY N. LOTHUNGBENI HUMTSOE New Delhi-- From the runways of fashion week, we bring to you the top hairstyles from the Dyson X Arpita Mehta...

7 skincare trends to dominate 2023

New Delhi-- We are all getting ready to witness a new spurt of skincare trends in this new year, though, as consistent innovation and...

Turning a numismatic curiosity into a passion

BY N. LOTHUNGBENI HUMTSOE New Delhi-- In modern times, a watch is used not only to check the time and keep us on track when...

10 easy hairstyles to try with straighteners

New Delhi-- It would be a fool's errand to try to convince a woman of how important her hair is in deciding her overall...

Flaunt beautiful, smooth underarms this summer!

New Delhi-- Extreme heat is already here, so heat wave alerts are now in effect. Additionally, even though you may apply copious amounts of sunscreen...

Is your skin summer-ready?

New Delhi-- Summer is just around the corner! As the weather gets warmer and the sun shines brighter, it is also the time to...

I am a lazy fashionista: Nargis Fakhri

New Delhi-- Bollywood beauty, Nargis Fakhri made a stunning, show stopping entry for Sejal Kamdar Designs at the recently held LFW X FDCI event...

Love Fancy Nails?

BY DR ROHINI PATIL New Delhi-- Even though the visible part of our nails are just dead cells, we enjoy playing with them. We add...
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