After ‘Photo’ in ‘Luka Chuppi’, Karan Sehmbi and Nirmaan out with new single

Karan Sehmbi (Photo: Facebbok)
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Mumbai– Singer Karan Sehmbi and lyricist Nirmaan are back together with a new song, after delivering the hit number “Photo” in the 2019 film, “Luka Chuppi”.

Their new single is called “Aameen” and, commenting on the new song, Karan said: “‘Aameen’ is a beautiful and soothing track and I think the audience will enjoy it. We had shot the video of the song just a few days before the lockdown and we are glad that the final product is just as we had envisaged.”

Karan has sung the track and he also features in the video along with the TV actress Heli Daruwala.

The song is available on YouTube. (IANS)



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