Woman kills husband over domestic tiff in Bihar

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Patna– A woman in Bihar’s Saran district killed her husband over a domestic dispute in the wee hours on Tuesday.

The incident happened in Ram Nagar Dhawri village under Sahajitpur police station. The deceased Pappu Kumar had wanted to send his wife Gayatri Devi to her maternal home.

Gayatri killed her husband using a spade when he was asleep on the roof of their house.

According to an investigating officer of Sahajitpur police station, Pappu got married to Gayatri two years ago. They used to indulge in verbal duels with each other over trivial issues.

“Due to extremely rude behaviour of Gayatri, Pappu went to Kolkata and was employed in a private firm. He returned home on Monday morning. After his arrival, Gayatri was involved in a verbal argument with him in the afternoon. They again became involved in verbal duel in the night,” said investigating officer K.M. Singh.

“Pappu after dinner, went to the rooftop to sleep. Gayatri took the opportunity and climbed on the rooftop and attacked him with a spade. She stabbed him several times until Pappu died,” he said.

The family members of Pappu and other neighbours woke up due to the cries of the victim. They found Pappu lying in a pool of blood and Gayatri sitting some distance away from the body.

They subdued Gayatri and informed local police about the incident.

“We have arrested the accused and also seized the spade from the crime scene which was used in the murder. We have recovered the body and conducted the postmortem in Sadar hospital Chapra. Further investigation is on,” the officer said. (IANS)



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