Mangaluru, Karnataka– The Customs officials at the Mangalore International Airport on Thursday seized 2.41 kg gold, valued at around Rs 1.10 crore, from a woman passenger who had concealed the yellow metal in her undergarments.
According to a release, the accused has been identified as Mohammed Ali Sameera from Kasaragod in Kerala. She was nabbed by the Customs officials after she arrived here from Dubai in an Air India flight.
The statement added that the accused “tried to smuggle gold by concealing it in both her inner garments, including sanitary pads, and also in her socks.”
She was also carrying foreign brand cigarettes in violation of the Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products Act, 2003, which were seized from her possession.
The team which seized the gold was led by Kapil Gade, Deputy Commissioner, Air Customs, Mangaluru, the release said, adding that an investigation is on. (IANS)