The fitness sector will be boom in the post Covid era

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By Praveen Chirania

New Delhi– People have grown more aware of the need of having a healthy lifestyle since the coronavirus pandemic. The epidemic presented many challenges to the world, but it also made each individual more accountable for their own health. People are more aware of what they eat and drink, as well as what type of workout they should do and how to maintain a healthy diet.

The ongoing Covid era with the importance on health and fitness, is making the industry witness rapid change as demands for health and well-being increase.

A well-balanced diet is necessary, but many diets do not provide significant amounts of essential vitamins and minerals, which can help people who have insufficient dietary sources. As a result, people are now seeking personalised nutrition solutions tailored to their unique lifestyles. Consumers are looking for supplements, vitamins, and minerals to fill in the gaps and to combat the virus and build strong immunity, indicating that they are looking for a well-focused solution for their inactive lifestyle.

Consumers’ emphasis on preventative healthcare has also contributed to the sector’s rise. During the epidemic, it proved to be a vital line of defence, demonstrating that the dietary supplements industry is a solid economic partner to the people. Immunity-boosting supplements have become popular, resulting in major changes in purchasing patterns and market behaviour. Aside from that, the rising prevalence of lifestyle disorders such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, obesity, and blood pressure is driving higher dietary supplement sales in the country. Furthermore, as the ageing population grows, there is a growing interest in preventive healthcare. Immunity boosters are likewise in high demand all around the world.

According to a recent study, 75 percent of Indians believe that taking vitamins, minerals, and supplements (VMS) on a daily basis aids their overall health and fitness. Furthermore, more than three-quarters (76 percent) of Indian consumers feel that VMS can supply essential nutrition that is lacking in their diet, and that frequent use of VMS helps to avoid illnesses and diseases for 37 out of 50 Indians.

Sports nutrition and supplements are essential for maintaining a healthy diet and improving athletic performance. Rapid growth in nutritional product consumption will accelerate market expansion as athletes become more aware of the benefits of supplements in maintaining fitness. People are taking supplements for a variety of reasons, including better sleep and improved mental health, as the pandemic was a life-changing experience that created stress and anxiety for many.

Individuals’ disposable income is rising, and their awareness is rising, making it easier for them to consume dietary supplements to meet their daily nutritional needs. Furthermore, strong marketing and promotional techniques for the promotion of dietary supplements are likely to have a beneficial impact on the market’s growth.

It’s true that the need for supplements arises from a desire to strengthen one’s immune system. According to a recent poll on dietary supplements in India, over 67 percent of respondents who take dietary supplements or nutraceuticals increased their frequency of use during the coronavirus epidemic.

The pandemic undoubtedly highlighted the necessity of leading a healthy lifestyle and has altered the way we live today. Wellness is here to stay, as consumers aim to spend more on their own health, attractiveness, fitness, and other aspects of their lives. If the epidemic has taught us anything, it is that physical and mental health will continue to be a top issue for millions of people all over the world for a long time. (IANS)



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