Asthma may not be significant risk factor for severe Covid-19

New York-- Researchers have found that patients with asthma do not seem to be at risk from complications associated with being hospitalised with Covid-19...

Study shows clear link between obesity, Covid-19 severity

London-- New research adds to the growing body of evidence that patients with obesity are facing more serious Covid-19 disease and higher mortality risk...

Study confirms link between influenza, heart complications

Washington-- The link between influenza and serious heart conditions just grew stronger, say researchers, adding that patients hospitalised with the flu had a cardiac...

No evidence that BP drugs increase cancer risk: Study

London-- In a significant study, researchers have revealed that there is no evidence that blood pressure-lowering medications increase the risk of cancer. A potential link...

Why your pre-workout meal is important

BY PUJA GUPTA New Delhi--Nutrition is integral when it comes to the energy needed to perform strength or endurance training, just like the nutrition needed...

After Russia and China, FDA may fast track Covid vax before Phase-3 trials complete

New York-- After Russia and China, the US drug regulator is now willing to consider giving emergency authorisation to a Covid-19 vaccine even before the...

Respiratory vaccines may reduce heart failure deaths

New York-- Researchers, including one of Indian-origin, have found that influenza and pneumonia vaccinations are associated with fewer hospital deaths in patients with heart...

Women endowed by nature with better immunity than men: Experts

By Aakanksha Khajuria New Delhi-- A weaker immune response, along with a higher rate of diabetes, obesity and hypertension among men has made them more...

Quit smoking to reduce stroke risk: Study

Seoul-- Scientists have urged people with atrial fibrillation -- the most common heart rhythm disorder -- to quit smoking if they want to reduce...

‘SMART’ health goals

By Puja Gupta New Delhi-- The Covid-19 outbreak has brought along the burden of uncertainty and fear amongst people; on a global scale, citizens have...
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