Pfizer vax less effective against S. African variant: Study

Jerusalem-- The Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine is moderately less effective against the South African variant, suggests a study. The findings, published in the journal Cell Host...

Strong coffee before exercise ups fat-burning in men: Study

Barcelona-- Caffeine -- about 3 milligram per kilogram (mg/kg), the equivalent of a strong coffee -- ingested half an hour before aerobic exercise significantly...

Lifestyle changes may up fertility for obese, infertile women

Toronto-- A lifestyle intervention targeting women with obesity and infertility is more effective in increasing the pregnancy rate compared with fertility treatments, a new...

Gallbladder, biliary tract cancer cases up 76% in 3 decades

New York-- Gallbladder and biliary tract cancer incidence worldwide increased by 76 per cent, mortality increased by 65 per cent, and disability-adjusted life years...

Tingly fingers could signal serious hand problems

New Delhi-- Tingly fingers might seem like something you can just shake off and chalk up to poor blood flow or a cold house,...

With new May 1 vaccine push, communication key to pushing past resistance

By Eva Botkin-Kowacki News at Northeastern While the COVID-19 vaccine rollout has offered hope, it also has been characterized by confusion. Many people have been mystified...

World Sleep Day: Tips to help you overcome Sleep Apnea

By Puja Gupta New Delhi-- Good sleep is central to our well-being. Nothing rejuvenates our body and mind as well as sound sleep. However, at...

Eat before 8.30 a.m. to reduce Type-2 diabetes risk: Study

New York-- If you eat your breakfast before 8.30 a.m. there are high chances you may be able to reduce risk factors for Type-2...

Ultrasound has potential to damage coronaviruses: Study

New York-- Coronaviruses may be vulnerable to ultrasound vibrations, within the frequencies used in medical diagnostic imaging, said researchers. Through computer simulations, the team modelled...

Novel blood test may help reduce specific brain tumour

London-- A simple blood test could reduce, or in some cases replace, the need for intrusive surgery when determining the best course of treatment...
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