Young Indians feel mental health issues can hit as early as their teenage years

By Siddhi Jain New Delhi-- A recent survey has found that 77 per cent Indians feel that the current level of conversations and initiatives around...

Massachusetts Governor Baker Announces Vaccine Timeline for All Residents

BOSTON – The Baker-Polito Administration on Wednesday announced the timeline for all remaining residents to be eligible for a vaccine. The Administration also announced the...

AstraZeneca vaccine safe for Canadians over 65: Panel

Ottawa-- Canada's National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) announced on Tuesday that the Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine is both safe and effective for people over...

Drugs for US older adults linked to falling risks

New York-- The percentage of adults, 65 and older, who were prescribed a 'fall- risk-increasing' drug climbed to 94 per cent in 2017, a...

Pandemic increased pregnancy stress for US women: Study

New York-- A new study has revealed that the Covid-19 pandemic has increased pregnancy stress for expectant mothers as well as postpartum women in...

Food fortification, a potent way to fight hidden hunger

By Siddhi Jain New Delhi-- A worldwide shift to combat hidden hunger needs to be launched by processing food in a way that micronutrient shortages...

Leprosy drug holds promise against Covid: Study

New York-- A team of researchers, including one of Indian-origin, has suggested that a leprosy drug holds promise as an at-home treatment for Covid-19. The...

France, Germany, Italy suspend AstraZeneca vaccine use

London--Germany, France and Italy on Monday joined several European nations in blocking the roll out of Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine after several cases of blood clotting...

Just 111 FB users spreading half of Covid vaccine doubts

San Francisco-- A Facebook internal study has found that a small group of users is actually sowing major doubts about the Covid-19 vaccines, discouraging...

Covid-19 vaccination — A handy guide for all your queries

By Rahul Pandit New Delhi-- We have entered the second phase of the worlds largest immunisation programme. However, several looming questions could hamper the success...
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