Benefits of fish oil may depend on genotype

New York-- Should you take fish oil? It depends on your genotype, say researchers as they have found that taking fish oil only provides...

Gum infection linked to elevated BP

New York-- Adults with periodontitis, a severe gum infection, may be significantly more likely to have higher blood pressure (BP) compared to individuals who...

Aerobic exercise may help address dialysis-related symptoms

Toronto-- Aerobic exercise may reduce several hemodialysis-related symptoms experienced by patients with kidney failure, a new study finds. The study indicated that aerobic exercise lessened...

Novel technique to detect biomarker for cancer

New York-- Researchers are working to develop a new screening technique that's more than 300 times as effective at detecting a biomarker for diseases...

Study links stress with allergies

Tokyo-- Increased allergic reactions may be tied to the corticotropin-releasing stress hormone (CRH), suggests a new study. The hormone is the main element that drives...

How seasonal shifts affect your skin

By Puja Gupta New Delhi-- As the weather changes, most of us notice changes in the texture and appearance of our skin as well. A...

Cholesterol could be key to new Alzheimer’s, diabetes therapies

New York-- Examining the role of cholesterol in both Alzheimer's disease and Type-2 diabetes, researchers have identified a small molecule that may help regulate...

Novel coronavirus invades mouth’s cells, shows new evidence

New York-- An international team of scientists has found evidence that SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for Covid-19, infects cells in the mouth. While it is...

3 common antiviral drugs potentially effective against Covid

New York-- A team of researchers has found that three commonly used antiviral and antimalarial drugs are effective in vitro at preventing replication of...

87% tobacco users don’t support proposal to ban sale of loose cigarettes

New Delhi-- PRAHAR (Public Response Against Helplessness and Action for Redressal), an NGO dedicated to finding solutions for problems of the helpless on Thursday...
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