US FDA okays oral pill to treat alopecia, restore hair growth

Washington-- The US Food and Drug Administration has approved an oral drug to treat adult patients with severe alopecia areata -- a disorder that...

Human brains are hotter than thought, particularly women’s: Study

London-- Average human brain temperature is 38.5 degrees Celsius, with deeper brain regions often exceeding 40 degrees Celsius, particularly in women during the daytime,...

Pfizer Covid vaccine effective for kids under 5: US FDA

Washington-- The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said that kid-sized doses of Pfizer-BioNTech's COVID-19 vaccine appear to be safe and effective for children...

Covid vax likely safe for patients treated for hypothyroidism

New York-- Inactivated and mRNA Covid-19 vaccines appear to be safe for patients treated for hypothyroidism, say researchers. The study, to be presented at ENDO...

1 in 500 men carry extra sex chromosome raising risk of diseases: Study

London-- Around one in 500 men could be carrying an extra X or Y chromosome - most of them unaware - putting them at...

Poor sleep may worsen lung disease more than smoking: Study

New York--Insufficient or interrupted sleep may have more of an impact than smoking history in patients with a progressive lung disease, according to a...

First cat to human Covid transmission documented

Bangkok-- A 32-year-old previously healthy female veterinarian contracted Covid after being exposed to an infected cat, according to the first documented case of suspected...

Your Guide to a Good Night’s Sleep

DR. SONIA LAL GUPTA New Delhi-- Most of us today, idolise the ones working on 3 to 4 hours of sleep. It's all cool but...

Addressing food and its relationship with overall health

N. LOTHUNGBENI HUMTSOE New Delhi-- The RoundGlass Living app's Food channel is centred on the idea that food is a path to our wholistic well-being...

Covid decline may be giving rise to other viruses like flu, TB: Report

Washington-- Even as global cases of Covid-19 are on the decline, a number of other viruses such as influenza, respiratory syncytial virus, adenovirus, tuberculosis,...
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