Jai Saboo Joins Pratham USA National Board

Jai Vardhan Saboo
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WASHINGTON, DC–Pratham USA announced that DC-area businessman Jai Saboo has been elected to its national Board of Directors. With this appointment, Jai becomes the first supporter from the DC region to hold this honor, Pratham said in a statement.

An entrepreneur and an active angel investor, Jai Saboo is the chief operating officer for Harmonia Holdings Group, LLC, a leading provider of information technology solutions to federal agencies, which he co-founded with his wife, Pallabi. He also serves on the board of KDDL Ltd. in India and was integral in the growth of Saboo Coatings Limited, India’s premier specialty industrial coatings company.

Jai earned an MBA from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University and is an alumnus and fellow of the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. He holds an MS in engineering from Virginia Tech and a BS in engineering from the Punjab Engineering College in India. You can read Jai’s full bio here.

Jai is a supporter of numerous charities in addition to Pratham. He is a member of the Rotary Foundation’s prestigious Arch C. Klumph Society and Virginia Tech’s Ut Prosim Society and, through his family’s foundation, he established the Jai and Pallabi Saboo Scholarship at Virginia Tech.

According to Jai, “Primary and vocational education remains the greatest catalyst to India’s growth and the work that Pratham is doing toward this cause, directly as well as in collaboration with government and other institutions is fantastic.”

Jai and Pallabi have been supporting Pratham’s work for over a decade. We are so grateful for their commitment and are thrilled to have Jai take a more prominent role with the organization. Please join us in congratulating Jai on his appointment.



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