INE Love Series-6: Gunjan Kuthiala: Don’t Blame Marriage for Any Relationship to Not Flourish

Gunjan Kuthiala
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Gunjan Kuthiala is producer and director of “NRI Wives: Grey Stories of Love Vs Desires.” It is also the very first Bollywood feature film fully shot and produced in the United States. It’s story of love versus desire that was released last year. She is the owner of NRILIFE Productions, and mother of two.

INDIA New England News:  What does love mean to you?

Gunjan Kuthiala: Love is when you embrace someone with their strengths and weaknesses, and care for them throughout all roller coasters of life.

INE: In the context of giving or receiving love, some say love can only be given. Do you agree or not and why?

GK: Scientifically, love is a two-way boat of addressing each other’s childhood quest. We all human beings have unanswered questions since childhood which are different for each individual like Do I matter or Am I desirable or Am I lovable etc. It’s a psychological fact. This is how human brain works.

Love only initiates when a man makes you feel more of a woman and vice versa and then nurtures when the other person unknowingly is answering that childhood needy question of you well. Though the same love relationship becomes pain when your pet peeve is triggered again and again and the need of that question’s answer isn’t met by either.

INE: If you must choose between love and trust, what will you choose and why?

GK: Love only kicks in post-you trust.

INE: What is the lifespan of romantic love?

GK: Varies on each couple’s mental chemistry. For a right match, wherein “both” believe in nurturing a relationship, romance can sustain lifetime.

INE: Do you still believe in love the way you had imagined when you were a teenager or in your early 20s?

GK: Yes, am a teenager soul, can’t help 🙂

INE: Does marriage change the equation of love and why?

GK: No, I don’t blame ‘marriage’ for any relationship to not flourish. It’s when the relationship tone doesn’t set right in the beginning and the mental and physical chemistry of couple’s equation isn’t right match either. I recommend living-in before marriage to set beautiful/sustainable tone of relationship, not to know each other more. Also, I recommend landmark communication course together.

INE: What is the secret of romantic marriage?

GK: Understanding each other’s critical needs and honoring the fact that every relationship needs nurturing and not taking anyone for-granted post-marriage but rather making your partner and romance a critical priority.

INE: Your favorite romantic Bollywood songs?


  • Tere Bin, Film Simmba.
  • Jalte Diye, Film Prem Ratan.


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