INE Love Series-1: Subrata Das: Love Provides Inspiration and is a Recipe for Success

Subrata Das and his French wife Janique.
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Subrata Das combines creative art, logic, and romanticism in his life. He enjoys being an AI scientist and a professor but equally enjoys directing stage plays at SETU to keep the right side of the brain functional. He is an empty nester in the Boston area with his French wife Janique.

INDIA New England News: What does love mean to you?

Subrata Das: Let me tell you subjectively what it does not. If I’m or anyone else is struggling to define its meaning, then one is not in love. The uttering of the word itself will cause a spark to a person already in love, the picture of the partner (since it is Valentine’s) will flash. But if I really have to give a meaning then true love is sharing with and caring for each other without any shred of doubt.

INE: In the context of giving or receiving love, some say love can only be given. Do you agree or not and why?

SD: Love provides inspiration and that, in turn, is a recipe for success. In all likelihood you have received love at one point in your life if you think you have achieved something in your life.

INE: If you must choose between love and trust, what would you choose and why?

SD: One is a consequence of the other; love yields trust but not necessarily the reverse. The choice is therefore obvious as everyone likes to have more.

INE: What is the lifespan of romantic love?

SD: Assuming it is towards someone, romanticism never dies but gets dormant as we take it for granted. Every material object and our feelings have wear and tear. Love has to be nurtured from time-to-time. Why do you think we go out for “romantic” dinners?

INE: Do you still believe in love the way you had imagined when you were a teenager or in your early 20s?

SD: In our 20s, being in love and desire for sexuality get mixed up and the latter usually dominates. But as we grow older, we search for the true meaning and experience. I’m no exception to this phenomenon.

INE: Does marriage change the equation of love and why?

SD: It does if you start thinking of the union as a burden and putting your mind somewhere else. If you are truly in love then nothing changes.

INE: What is the secret of romantic marriage?

SD: Do some or all of the following from time to time: hug each other, look at each other’s eyes, make a cup of coffee/tea, build something together, compromise in situations, and share a dish in a restaurant.

INE: Your favorite romantic Bollywood songs: only two please.

SD: Here they are, both melodious:

  • Kishore Kumar’s “Rimjhim Gire Sawan” from Manzil with R. D. Burman as the music director; lyrics mention desire of being in love and rage of fire of making love.
  • Lata Mangeshkar’s “Yeh Samaa Samaa Hai” from Jab Jab Phool Khile with Kalyanji Anandji as the music director; lyrics talk about falling in love and giving and taking heart.


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