Election 2020 Preview, Hinduism 101, India and the Role of Indian Americans in US Elections With Ramesh Kapur

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BOSTON— Political activist Ramesh Kapur, who has been active in politics from behind the scenes since 1980 in Massachusetts and nationally since 1986, predicts President Donald Trump will lose on Tuesday, Democrats will maintain their majority in the House of Representative and may even gain majority in the Senate as well.

In an exclusive video interview on Face-to-Face with INDIA New England News, Mr. Kapur previews US national elections and talks about Hinduism 101, India, the role of Indian-American voters and a new generation of Indian American politicians.

To view the full interview, please click here, or on the image below.

Mr. Kapur is the president of US Indian Security Council Inc., a bipartisan organization that  encourage closer ties between and U.S. and India, and president of Medford, MA-based Medical-Technical Gases, Inc., a processor and manufacturer of industrial, medical and specialty gases and gas mixtures.

Mr. Kapur was on the National Democratic Committee (DNC) site selection committee in 1992 when New York was chosen as the Democratic convention site that year. He has been active in Massachusetts Democratic politics since 1978. He was Finance Co-Chairman for Michael Dukakis for President (1986-88), DNC Trustee (1988-90), Managing Trustee for DNC/Clinton/Gore (1992-94), DNC Board Vice Chair (1995-96), board member DNC Leadership 2000, Gore/Lieberman (1999-2000).

Mr. Kapur was in the leadership committee for Vote Now in 1992 and 1996, and has been a consistent top fundraiser since 1986. He was vice-chair for John Kerry for President (2004), trustee DNC/Kerry/Edwards Victory 2004.

Since 1986, Mr. Kapur has held high finance positions in the elections of Senator Ted Kennedy, Senator John Kerry, Senator Tom Daschle and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.



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