Living near fitness centres may influence people in physical activity after stroke

San Francisco-- People may be more likely to engage in physical activity after stroke if they live in a neighbourhood with more recreational and...

Stomach cancer atlas maps path to better treatment

Singapore-- Scientists in Singapore have assembled the world's largest and highest-resolution atlas of gastric cancer, a leading cause of global cancer deaths. The atlas...

Hormone therapy may offer promise against some breast cancers

New Delhi-- Hormone therapy can be an effective treatment against some breast cancers that are affected by hormones, like oestrogen and progesterone, said health...

Pregnant women at lower risk of ‘caesarean’ births after Covid vaccination

New Delhi-- Pregnant women who have been vaccinated against Covid-19 are at lower risk of having a caesarean section or experiencing hypertension, a new...

WHO urges joint efforts to prevent future Covid-like pandemic

Kathmandu-- World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has called for countries to work together to ensure that another pandemic at the magnitude...

Scientists spot 6 distinct biological types of depression

New Delhi-- In a first, scientists on Monday said they have sorted depression into six biological subtypes, or "biotypes", and identified treatments that are...

Smoking cigarettes may increase depression risk: Study

London-- If you are a regular smoker, quit now as researchers have found that tobacco smoking may increase your risk of developing depression and...

Deal patiently with autistic kids: Experts

Lucknow-- Medical experts have said that changes in routine, unfamiliar places and strangers can be significant stressors for autistic children and teenagers. Talking to IANS...

Your memory may depend on how hard your brain had to work

New Delhi-- Ever wondered why your brain remembers some experiences among a deluge of information? It may depend on how hard the brain has to...

Covid doubled depression, anxiety symptoms in children, youth: Study

Toronto-- Depression and anxiety symptoms have doubled in children and adolescents when compared to pre-pandemic times, according to an alarming study. Researchers at the University...
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