Focus on drug price controls, preventive care can curb healthcare inflation

New Delhi-- While there are several options for taming inflation in healthcare, prioritising prescription drug price control and placing a strong emphasis on preventive...

Sputnik V Covid vax effective against Omicron variant: Study

New Delhi-- The Sputnik V vaccine and the one-shot Sputnik Light booster are effective against the vaccine-evading and super mutant Omicron variant of Covid,...

CDC may back wearing masks against Covid, even for vaccinated: Fauci

Washington-- The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is weighing revising its Covid-19 guidelines to recommend that even fully vaccinated people wear masks...

Vaping may increase your risk of Covid infection: Study

New York-- While cigarette smoke is known to increase the risk of lung disease and Covid-19 infection, a new study on mice showed similar...

New York State rolls out Covid booster doses

New York-- New York State announced on Monday that eligible New Yorkers could get Covid-19 booster doses with the launch of a new dedicated...

Global Covid-19 caseload tops 241.9 mn

Washington-- The global coronavirus caseload has topped 241.9 million, while the deaths have surged to more than 4.92 million and vaccinations soared to over...

Vaccination requited to enter SF indoor businesses, events

San Francisco-- San Francisco Mayor London Breed announcedthat the city will require businesses in certain high-contact indoor sectors to obtain proof of Covid-19 vaccination...

Marriage mystery

New Delhi-- An emotionally charged issue, infidelity has long been the focus of close examination. Over time, the dynamics surrounding it have changed, making...

Wearing face mask during exercise safe: Study

London-- Researchers have found that wearing a face mask during vigorous exercise appears to be safe for healthy people. This suggests that masks could be...

13 new rare gene variants of Alzheimer’s identified

New York-- Researchers have identified 13 new rare genomic variants associated with Alzheimer's disease in a first-of-its-kind human genome study. The lesser-known gene mutations may...
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