How dance can lift spirits during tough times

By Sangita Chatterjee New Delhi-- Passion is something that is performed not only with our body but with our spirit, with our highest possible state...

Indian-origin researchers use bovine adenovirus to develop Covid vax

New York-- A team of Indian-origin researchers in the US is working to develop a unique Covid-19 vaccine that uses a bovine adenovirus that...

Female contraceptives continue to lack safe therapeutics: Report

New Delhi-- The current unmet needs in the female contraceptives market are similar to those that were present 10 years ago. The market still...

New research shows walking can stop backache from returning

Sydney-- If you have ever had backache, you may know the initial relief when the pain subsides, only to suffer a nasty shock when...

Asthma can negatively affect brain functions: Experts

New Delhi-- Asthma, a debilitating respiratory condition that claims 2,50,000 lives worldwide each year, can significantly disrupt brain functions, said health experts on World...

Low calcium dose may prevent preeclampsia, preterm birth risk: Study

New Delhi-- Lower than the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended calcium supplementation (equivalent to one 500-milligram pill per day) may help prevent preeclampsia and...

Monoclonal antibody therapy cuts death risk in Covid-19 patients by 20%

Washington-- Administering monoclonal antibody therapy in severe Covid-19 patients, who have not mounted a natural antibody response of their own, can reduce the risk...

Exposure to harmless coronaviruses boosts SARS-CoV-2 immunity: Study

London-- Previous antibody responses to other, harmless coronaviruses may confer immunity against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19, according to a new study. The study,...

Focus on drug price controls, preventive care can curb healthcare inflation

New Delhi-- While there are several options for taming inflation in healthcare, prioritising prescription drug price control and placing a strong emphasis on preventive...

Sputnik V Covid vax effective against Omicron variant: Study

New Delhi-- The Sputnik V vaccine and the one-shot Sputnik Light booster are effective against the vaccine-evading and super mutant Omicron variant of Covid,...
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