Male hormones accelerate DNA ageing

Wellington-- While it is known that men tend to live shorter than women, a new research conducted on sheep showed that hormones may be...

Vax benefits outweigh risks of extremely rare potential side effects: AstraZeneca

New Delhi-- Benefits of the Covid-19 vaccine far outweigh the risks of extremely rare potential side effects, pharma giant AstraZeneca said on Tuesday. The company's...

Pandemic stress, boredom linked to increased smoking

New York-- A US-based survey has revealed that stress, increased free time and feelings of boredom may have contributed to an increase in the...

Cycle to work for better mental health: Study

London-- Cycling to work may not only be beneficial for the environment but also for your mental health, says new research. The study showed that...

Aerosols spread tuberculosis like Covid-19: Study

Johannesburg-- Much like Covid-19, tuberculosis (TB) is also spread primarily by inhalation of virus-laden aerosols more than coughing, as thought so far, according to...

J&J pulls Aveeno, Neutrogena spray sunscreens over cancer risk

New York-- Johnson & Johnson is pulling out its Neutrogena and Aveeno spray sunscreens from US stores after some samples showed presence of benzene...

Living near fitness centres may influence people in physical activity after stroke

San Francisco-- People may be more likely to engage in physical activity after stroke if they live in a neighbourhood with more recreational and...

Your memory may depend on how hard your brain had to work

New Delhi-- Ever wondered why your brain remembers some experiences among a deluge of information? It may depend on how hard the brain has to...

Stomach cancer atlas maps path to better treatment

Singapore-- Scientists in Singapore have assembled the world's largest and highest-resolution atlas of gastric cancer, a leading cause of global cancer deaths. The atlas...

Bladder Cancer: Early Detection is Key to Prevention

By Dr. N Ramana Reddy Sr. Consultant - Surgical Oncology, HCG Cancer Centre Ongole Cancers are a common and potentially life-threatening condition defined by the uncontrolled...
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