Boston Children’s Museum to Temporarily Close in Response to COVID-19

Photo: BCM
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Boston — Acting with an abundance of caution to protect the health of employees, visitors, and the community at large, Boston Children’s Museum has announced the decision to close to the public through April 3. The Museum will continue to monitor the quickly evolving situation and will re-evaluate this decision every two weeks.

Although there is no known case of Covid-19 (Coronavirus) at the Museum, the closing will help the community with the “social distancing” that is necessary to slow the spread of the virus at this critical stage.  All public and private events to be held at the Museum will not occur during the closure. Some events may be rescheduled to a later date. School visits and other education programs scheduled during the closure will be cancelled.

“In concert with the Museum of Science and the New England Aquarium, we have taken this proactive step to support Federal, State and local efforts to mitigate the spread of the Coronavirus. We want to be overly cautious given the high level of uncertainty about the spread of the virus,” said Carole Charnow, President & CEO.

The Museum is presently not closing the building or shutting down Museum operations. Museum business will continue with some staff working remotely and some “socially distanced” in the building.  With the short-term closure, staff will be working on future program development, project work, and ways to stay deeply connected to our communities and help them through this crisis.  These steps will ensure that families can return to the Museum knowing that our priority is that everyone has a playful, joyful, and healthy hands-on, interactive experience at Boston Children’s Museum.



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