Blockchain: Look Back, Look Forward and Learn Everything About Blockchain at TiECON East on May 7

Anders Brownworth
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By Thomas Arul

BOSTON–Blockchain has evolved in the past few years. Initially, people were relating Blockchain to Bitcoin or Ethereum. After the initial hype and ICO craze, the reality set’s in. Companies need to solve a real-world problem with or without Blockchain.

Thomas Arul

As a distributed, tamperproof ledger, a well-designed Blockchain doesn’t just cut out intermediaries, it reduces operation cost, and increase speed and reach. It also offers greater transparency and traceability for many business processes.

A 2018 survey of 600 executives from 15 territories, 84% say their organizations have at least some involvement with Blockchain technology. Companies have dabbled in the lab; perhaps they’ve built proofs of concept. Everyone is talking about Blockchain, and no one wants to be left behind.

Gartner forecasts that Blockchain will generate an annual business value of more than US $3 trillion by 2030. It’s possible to imagine that 10% to 20% of global economic infrastructure will be running on Blockchain-based systems by that same year.

There are over 40 Stablecoins in the market. Stablecoins refer to a new class of cryptocurrencies which are backed by an asset like a currency (e.g. US Dollar, EURO), or to an exchange-traded commodity (such as precious metals or industrial metals). Stablecoins brings stability into crypto space.

Big banks are entering into Stablecoins. J.P. Morgan is planning a digital coin aimed at speeding up payments between JPM’s corporate clients. Citi is planning a similar coin.

Facebook has plans for a Coin that can be used by WhatsApp, targeting the remittance space.

IBM has launched  IBM Blockchain World Wire using Stellar. Current Banking process had many intermediaries which take time and cost money. IBM has created a real-time, global payments network to support cross-border transactions and foreign exchange in more than 50 countries using Stablecoins.

There are new avenues to raising capital for Blockchain from ICO (Initial Coin Offering) to STO (Security Coin Offering). Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is coming up guidelines on ICO’s and STO’s to avoid fraud and manipulation.

I am super excited about moderating the RockStart Panel for “Blockchain: Look Back, Look Forward” the Largest Entrepreneur conference in East Coast. (To buy a ticket for the conference, please click here)

The expert panel will discuss how Blockchain has evolved from BitCoin technology to mainstream applications and the Future of Blockchain.

The Blockchain Panel has the leading CEO’s, VC’s, Academicians, and Entrepreneurs who are shaping the future of Blockchain.

Anders Brownworth

Anders Brownworth – Chief Evangelist at Circle Internet Financial

Anders Brownworth is Chief Evangelist at Circle, where he champions USD//Coin (USDC) and the CENTRE platform. He taught the first blockchain class at MIT and previously helped create and launch Republic Wireless, a WiFi / cellular hybrid smartphone service. Brownworth holds a number of patents in the telecom space and played a key role in’s evolution from startup to public company.

Circle is a global crypto finance company on a mission to make it possible for anyone, anywhere to help change the global economy. Founded in 2013 by Internet entrepreneurs Jeremy Allaire and Sean Neville, Circle is backed by over $250 million in capital from 5 rounds of investments from 2013 to 2018, including most recently US$40 million by Bitmain and previously US$50 million by Goldman Sachs as well as additional venture funding from Breyer Capital, Accel Partners, General Catalyst Partners, and Oak Investment Partners.

Richard Dulude

Richard Dulude  –  Co-Founder and Partner Underscore VC

Richard is a VC from Underscore VC. Richard focus his investments in the area of blockchain, AI/ML, XR, and Serverless technologies; as a programmer (turned entrepreneur (turned VC)), Richard enjoys digging in alongside the entrepreneurs in the portfolio to help them create value for their customers and realize their vision for what the company could be.

Sharon Goldberg

Sharon Goldberg – Founder/CEO Arwen

Arwen (Commonwealth Crypto) brings secure non-custodial trading to centralized exchanges. Arwen is now live on testnet! We’re also thrilled to announce that our exchange partner, KuCoin, will be offering secure trading with Arwen in the coming months.

Michael Fainberg – Partner Arent Fox

Michael is a registered US patent attorney. He holds advanced degrees in Computer

Michael Fainberg

Engineering and Wireless Telecommunications. Michael provides intellectual property (IP) counseling to global technology companies. obtained hundreds of patents in software and hardware including blockchain, cryptocurrency, machine learning, AI and automotive technologies

Thomas Arul – Co-Founder/CEO Bleumi Inc.

Thomas Arul is a Serial Entrepreneur, Technologist, Investor, Blockchain Evangelist and Public Speaker with over 25 years of experience based out of Boston. His last company Expicient Inc was acquired by Publicis Groupe. Bleumi has Blockchain products Bleumi Pay, Invoice and Work to Deliver Seamless Cross-Border Interactions using Blockchain and Stablecoins.

Also please stop by the Expo booth @TieConEast to see demo of Bleumi and other companies in this space.

TIECONEast has other exciting Tracks AI, ML, Digital Health and Startup LifeCycle .

Please use my code ARUL15 for 15% off your tix and see you on May 7th!!



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