US Gets First Roadside Dhaba in Wyoming at a Truck Stop

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New Delhi–Punjabis’ love for food and all things fine is too well-known. And the experience of partaking of food at a roadside ‘dhaba’ or eatery while on the go has a unique charm of its own.

After a Twitter user posted a clipping about a dhaba in Wyoming in the US, Indian industrialist Anand Mahindra had a suggestion to make.

A user by the name of S.P. Shukla posted the clipping on @Prakashukla on November 30 and wrote, “Delicious food at roadside dhabas can be enjoyed all over India. Now, Wyoming in the USA has got its first dhaba at a truck stop on a highway. Dhaba goes global.”

It got 129 retweets, 1K likes and a total of 16.8K views.

In reply, Mahindra posted on @anandmahindra, “Thanks for sharing this. Fascinating. Hello @MahindraTrukBus: Why don’t we turn the ‘Best Dhaba’ Award at our Transport Awards into a global prize and have this one in Wyoming compete?”

A Twitter user posted an interesting nugget of information: “Over 50 per cent of long-distance truck drivers in the US are Sardars (Sikhs). LA to NYC in 2 days & 20 per cent cheaper, buddy system of two who switch every six hours. When NY port frozen, need to know Sardars to transport goods. Network runs Mexico to Wisconsin, many marry Mexican women; dhabhas expanding (on) those routes.”

“Nice idea as the recognition will give them #dhaba more responsibility and create a better work culture… quality, hygine, customer care,” commented another user. (IANS)



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