Teenage Entrepreneurs to Help Elderly When They Get Lost, Raising $10K

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BOSTON–If a team of six teenage entrepreneurs, several of them Indian-Americans, are able to raise $10,000, their Boston-based company Resonex  could well produce a bracelet that can help the elderly when they get lost. The group is is currently attend a summer program called Leangap.

“Our team’s project looks to create an easier and safer experience for residents in senior homes. Through talking to a handful of senior homes in the Boston area, our team has found that there is currently no system in place that manages residents when they leave the home,” teenagers say on their GoFundMe page. “Our company intends to sell a service to senior homes that allows them to know the location of their residents when they leave the home”

Their service  consists of a software, which connects to a wristband with GPS technology known as a “GoBand.” This GoBand consists of a distress button, a sleek design, and soft padding to ensure that any senior home resident will feel comfortable wearing our product, according to their GoFundMe page.

The team needs funding to complete prototype so that they can begin to manufacture GoBands.

One of the teens in the team is Rishik Lad. When Lad’s grandfather s wandered from his home in India, it took four hours and the help of a man from a neighboring town to bring the 80-year-old back, Boston Business Journal reported. He told BBJ that the experience inspired him and five fellow high school students to create Boston startup Resonex.

“A lot of seniors (who live at nursing homes and assisted living facilities) are out and about for medical appointments…and drivers often have a tendency to drop them off at the wrong senior home,” Lad told BBJ.  “(The seniors) don’t have capacity to call living center. This could signal them.”

BBJ said that the six juniors and seniors — coming from California, New Jersey and Arizona — have already developed a prototype. In the coming weeks, Resonex will look to raise $10,000 from investors in to help build additional prototypes. The goal is to run a two-week proof-of-concept study with a nursing home before expanding more broadly to other locations, added BBJ.



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