Nadella among top tech executives to meet Trump

Satya Nadella
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San Francisco– Indian-born Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella is among top-notch tech executives who are scheduled to meet US President-elect Donald Trump at Trump Tower in New York City, media reports said on Monday.

According to Re/Code, Apple CEO Tim Cook, Alphabet CEO Larry Page, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg, Cisco CEO Chuck Robbins, IBM CEO Ginni Rometty, Intel CEO Brian Krzanich and Oracle CEO Safra Catz will attend the summit with Trump on Wednesday.

Satya Nadella
Satya Nadella

“I plan to tell the President-elect that we are with him and will help in any way we can. If he can reform the tax code, reduce regulation and negotiate better trade deals, the US technology industry will be stronger and more competitive than ever,” Catz said in a statement.

SpaceX and Tesla CEO Elon Musk and Amazon CEO and founder Jeff Bezos were also invited.

“The invite came from Trump’s chief of staff Reince Priebus as well as his son-in-law and chief whisperer Jared Kushner and, of course, his biggest tech supporter, investor Peter Thiel,” the report said.

The Tech giants may discuss issues ranging from immigration reform, encryption and social concerns when they meet Trump who has taken opposing stances on such issues.

“Trump even called for a boycott of Apple after it refused to unlock an iPhone used by one of the San Bernardino shooters,” the report noted.

Some high-profile CEOs who may not be at the Trump meet are Uber CEO Travis Kalanick, Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky, Netflix CEO Reed Hastings, Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff, Dropbox CEO Drew Houston and even Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey.



  1. It does not matter as this meeting will lead to no change in Trump’s position. I lost my job to H1B workers more than a decade ago and was never able to find meaningful work again. While I feel bad for Indian Workers who will be losing their American Dream soon, the situation has reached this level due to rampant abuse of H1B Visas by Indian Staffing Companies. American Middle Class has been leveled off to build Indian Middle Class (IT Workers). I have mixed feelings as some people will be going back home and I feel their pain while our future generations will have something to look forward to. We have sold the American Dream to Indian Staffing Companies. Competent and best of tech workers are always and will always be welcome in America. If anyone wants to get a better perspective from an Indian , search for Trump Uncertainty Principle wikimonk H1B in google. There is a brilliant piece written by one of your own which I have forwarded to Trump transition team and congress senators. Change is coming and it is going to be hard. I would encourage everyone to read the GAO report in the above article. It is a very interesting study.


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