Indo-Arab League condemns US move on Jerusalem

President Donald Trump (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)
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Hyderabad– The Indo-Arab League, a non-governmental organisation working to promote relations between India and the Arab countries, has condemned the US decision to recognise Jerusalem as capital of Israel.

 (Photo credit: White House/via IANS)

Terming the move by US President Donald Trump as incendiary in a volatile region, League Chairman Syed Vicaruddin said inspite of many resolutions passed by the UN Security Council, Washington was abandoning its leading role as a mediator.

In a statement, Vicarduddin said he condemns the announcement by Trump that US will be moving its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

He said many countries including European nations have alarm over the US move as its repercussions for any chances of reviving peacemaking between Israel and Palestine.

Vicaruddin demanded that the US reconsider its faulty decision and avoid uncalculated steps that will harm the multicultural identity, historical status of Jerusalem and the world peace. (IANS)



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