Experts from IDC, Dassault Systemes and Machine Analytics to speak at Transformational Technologies of Tomorrow conference

Suchit Jain
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Suchit Jain
Suchit Jain

CAMBRIDGE, MA– Experts from IDC, Dassault Systemes and Machine Analytics will speak at the Transformational Technologies of Tomorrow Conference, which is being organized by IIT AGNE on Jan. 23 in Cambridge, MA. The event is free to all attendees.

The conference entitled “Transformational Technologies of Tomorrow: Converging AI, Big Data and Robotics” is scheduled to start at 2:00 pm on Saturday, Jan. 23, at Cambridge Innovation Center (CIC) – Havana Conference Room, 5th Floor. The venue is located at One Broadway, Cambridge, MA.

IIT AGNE invites you to the third event in the run up to Leadership Conference 2016, with the theme “Leading transformation for a better tomorrow: Technologies that lift the human spirit”.

Suchit Jain
Suchit Jain

Panelists will discuss technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, IoT and Robotics that are no longer exclusive to the purview of research labs or capital intensive manufacturing environment.

“Increasingly, tools and knowledge based on the ideas in these domains are becoming common place and fundamentally transforming our lives, the nature of our work, our thinking and our work schedules as well. The sharing economy based on these technologies, pioneered by companies like AirBnB and Uber, has opened up a whole host of options for us as producers and consumers,” organizers of the conference say.

How is the landscape changing within these domains of knowledge? How are they enhancing our understanding of ourselves, our society and the different environments we function in? How is technology impacting us as individuals, our workplaces and society as a whole?

Panelists are: Subrata Das, president and chief scientist at Machine Analytics; Suchit Jain, vice president, Dassault Systemes; and Ashish Nadkarni, a director at IDC.


Subrata Das
Subrata Das


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