Low-dose aspirin may lower inflammation caused by sleep loss

New Delhi-- Low-dose acetylsalicylic acid, also known as aspirin, may reduce inflammation among people suffering from sleep loss, according to a new study on...

US lifts pause on Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine

Washington--The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced they have determined to lift the...

Scientists develop new methods to detect Huntington’s disease progression

New Delhi-- A team of scientists in the UK developed non-invasive measurement techniques and novel analysis methods to decode disease progression and evaluate the...

Eating samosa, burger when stressed out can fuel anxiety: Study

New Delhi-- Eating junk food like a samosa or burger when feeling stressed out can actually elevate anxiety levels, researchers said on Monday. When under...

US FDA delays approval for Moderna vax for teens

Washington--US drugmaker Moderna has confirmed that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has delayed granting the emergency use authorisation (EUA) to its Covid vaccine...

IISc researchers develop new, faster way to detect TB

Bengaluru-- Researchers in Microbiology and Cell Biology of countrys premier research institute, Indian Institute of Sciences (IISc) have found a new, faster and more...

Why UV protection is crucial for eye health all year round

By Dr. Rishi Raj Borah New Delhi-- The radiant warmth of the sun, while comforting, conceals a potential threat to our eye health. Many are...

18 per cent of teens drink caffeine to stay awake

New Delhi-- Among parents who said their teen drinks caffeine most or all the day of the week, a new study on Monday revealed...

Covid vax for younger kids, booster shots being prepared in US

Washington-- Covid-19 vaccines for younger children and booster shots for at least those over 65 years old are being prepared in accordance with a...

Alzheimer’s and Covid share genetic risk factor

London-- Researchers have identified an anti-viral gene that impacts the risk of both Alzheimer's disease and severe Covid-19. A team from the University College London...
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