Study reveals possible cause of long Covid ‘brain fog’

Sydney-- A team of international researchers may have uncovered the cause of the neurological conditions seen in patients with long-Covid, such as brain fog. The...

US professor claims Covid leaked from American lab, not from Wuhan

London-- Covid-19 virus leaked out of a laboratory in the US, rather than the infamous Wuhan lab in China, claimed US economist Jeffrey Sachs. According...

US sees listeria outbreak, CDC finds link to ice cream brand

New York-- US health officials have declared a new outbreak of listeria infections that led to one death and nearly two dozen hospitalisations across...

Is a white spot on your face the cause of a sunburn, or something...

New Delhi-- The most worrying concerns of people in India and the Indian subcontinent are related to white or yellowish lesions of skin diseases....

Men have it too

New Delhi-- Have you or your partner ever noticed that you are having hot flushes, gaining weight, or an impaired sexual function? These are just...

Antibiotic-resistant MRSA strain can jump from pigs to humans: Study

London-- A highly antibiotic-resistant strain of the superbug methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA, which emerged in pigs in the last 50 years, has...

Explained: How Covid virus uses body’s fat cells to replicate

New York--SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19, undertakes a massive takeover of the body's fat-processing system, creating cellular storehouses of fat that empower the...

5 most important vaccinations for dogs

New Delhi-- Anyone who's ever had a pet knows how important it is to get them vaccinated on time to protect them against all...

Typhoid bacteria increasingly resistant to essential antibiotics: Lancet

New York-- Bacteria causing typhoid fever are becoming increasingly resistant to some of the most important antibiotics for human health, according to a study...

Intermittent fasting may help heal nerve damage: Study

London-- Intermittent fasting helps change the activity of gut bacteria and increase their ability to recover from nerve damage, according to a study conducted...
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