WASHINGTON, DC–Embassy of India has issued the following advisory for Indian nationals/ permitted categories of Overseas Citizens of India (OCI) card holders travelling to India by non-scheduled commercial flights–Additional flights in Phase II
1. The Government of India has decided to operate additional Air India non-scheduled commercial flights in the ongoing second phase of operations from the U.S. to various cities in India. The updated schedule of flights is as under:
Note:Â This is a dynamic list and may undergo changes based on operational, technical and other considerations. The list should not be considered as final and is only for the purpose of information. This list cannot be quoted for any legal claims. All visitors are advised to counter-check with Air India for confirmation of the flights, timings, dates, destinations and other details.
2. Since the number of seats on the flights would be limited, priority will be given to compelling cases and those Indian nationals and OCI Cardholders registered (Indian nationals: https://indianembassyusa.gov.in/reg_indian_nationals & OCI Cardholders: https://indianembassyusa.gov.in/reg_oci_indian_nationals) with the Embassy/Consulates will be considered:
- Indian Nationals:With the compelling cases such as those facing medical emergencies or requiring return due to bereavement in the family, students, pregnant women, elderly or those facing expiry of visas.
- Overseas Citizens of India (OCI) card holders:
- Minor children born to Indian nationals abroad and holding OCI cards.
- OCI cardholders who wish to come to India on account of family emergencies like death in family.
- Couples where one spouse is an OCI cardholder and the other is an Indian national and they have a permanent residence in India.
- University students who are OCI cardholders (not legally minors) but whose parents are Indian citizens living in India.
[Note:Â The OCI cardholders falling into one of the categories mentioned above will not require any fresh emergency visa].
3. The cost of travel from designated airport in the USA to the designated airport in India will be borne by the passenger.
4. All passengers will be required to undergo medical screening before boarding the flight and only asymptomatic passengers will be allowed to travel.
5. Before boarding, all passengers shall give an undertaking that they would undergo mandatory quarantine for 14 days as stipulated in the Ministry of Home Affairs order dated 24 May 2020.
6. All passengers on arrival in India will be medically screened and would have to download and register on Arogya Setu app.
7. All passengers will have to follow the protocols and procedures including Health Protocols issued by the Government of the USA on departure and by the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Civil Aviation and other concerned authorities of Government of India before, during the journey and on arrival in India.
8. All passengers will be required to sign an Undertaking (Download Undertaking Form), which will be collected from them at the airport before boarding the flight.