Kavita Seth finds good poetry always appealing

Kavita Seth (Photo: Youtube)
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By Natalia Ningthoujam

Mumbai– “Iktara” hitmaker Kavita Seth has often collaborated with poets including Rehman Faris from Pakistan. The singer says good poetry always appeals to her.

Asked what pulls her towards poets and their work, Kavita told IANS: “A good poetry always appeals to me. How I create the melody is still a mystery for me. It just happens, it flows with the words.”

“I attribute it to the divine energy. I met Rehman Faris about five years ago in Mumbai. He recited some of his work and sent some on email too. When I read ‘Yeh Jo Mujh Par Nikhaar’, I instantly fell in love with it.

“And in no time, the tune fell in place. It started growing over me and took a beautiful shape,” added the artiste, who also “fell in love” with writer-poet Amrita Pritam’s work.

“I have an album of my compositions of her beautiful work ready to be released,” she shared.

Her next concert is also with a poet.

“‘Luminance of Verse’ is happening on May 6 at Pranganga Auditorium, Bhavan’s College in Mumbai. The concert is with the celebrated poet Dipti Misra. It will be a rendition of her work with a unique Sufi feel. It will be an evening of fearless words and soul-stirring compositions. Diptiji will also be launching her book titled ‘Yahaan Wahaan Kahaan’,” she shared.

Kavita Seth (Photo: Youtube)

“Diptiji’s words very easily express what most of us women think, feel and experience. I admire how beautifully and effortlessly she pens them. It is going to be about the emotional roller coaster journey a woman experiences, the strength of a woman and the true aura she holds,” she added.

Is women empowerment important to her because of her gender?

“Being a woman certainly gives me a clear perspective of what a woman endures, feels and achieves. A woman needs to stand for and be the support system for another woman,” said the “Tumhi ho bandhu” singer.

A lot of women are sharing sexual harassment stories in the entertainment industry across the globe. Her suggestion – “Stand up and speak up”.

“That should be a mantra that we all have to follow. Being silent is not the solution. We need to talk about these issues so that there is awareness,” said the singer, who has sung in Bollywood films featuring actresses like Deepika Padukone, Konkona Sen Sharma and Sonam Kapoor.

Would she like to make a song on the issue by collaborating with the victims in Bollywood?

“Definitely! Why not?” (IANS)



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