Grammy Winner Tabla Maestro Sandeep Das to Perform at LearnQuest’s Music Festival in a Rare Sitar-Sarangi Jugalbandi

Sandeep Das
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WESTON, MA—In a rare Sitar and Sarangi jugalbandi, Grammy winner Tabla maestro Sandeep Das will play at the LearnQuest Academy of Music’s 12th annual Music Conference and Festival next month at Regis College in Weston, MA.

Sandeep Das

“It is going to be a very special jugalbandi of Sitar and Sarangi. We are very excited that Sandeep Das will join the musical group of Sitarist Rajeeb Karmakar and Sarangi player Suhail Khan,” said Pradeep Shukla, president of LearnQuest Academy of Music. “Sandeep is best at both Indian classical as well as fusion concerts with Western artists.”

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Das’s collaboration with Yo-Yo Ma’s Silk Road Ensemble “Sing Me Home” last month won the Grammy in the Best World Music Album category. Das, who had been nominated for Grammy twice before, has played tabla with the likes of the late Pandit Ravi Shankar, and has been associated with legendary cellist Yo-Yo Ma and The Silk Road Ensemble since 2000.

“It is a proud moment for our community that an artist living among us has received such a prestigious award like Grammy,” Shukla told INDIA New England News. “He is a very well-known Tabla player of Benaras gharana and a disciple of great Tabla player late Pandit Kishan Maharaj.”

LearnQuest Academy of Music, a non-profit institution that provides formal instruction in Indian classical and light music, will host its  flagship 12 Annual Music Conference and Festival on April 14, 15 and 16th at Regis College. Das will perform on April 15.

Other artists this year at music festival include musicians such as the renowned Carnatic Saxophonist Kadri Gopalnath, violinist A. Kanyakumari, vocalist O. S. Thiagarajan, and well-known Hindustani musicians Dhrupad singers Gundecha Brothers, vocalist Aarti Ankalikar, and the slide guitarist Debashish Bhattacharya.



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