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From festivals in Florida to touring Dracula’s digs in Romania, we round up the best destinations to visit this October. As summer abandons Europe again this October, eke out the last of the rays and raves in Ibiza, where nightclubs will be going out with a bang for the winter break. When the party finally stops head to the island’s north.

Couples and their changed relationship dynamics post the pandemic

New Delhi-- The pandemic changed everything yet nothing! Love and relationships have always been a dynamic play of contrasting and evolving opinions, but if...

Plants you should avoid if you have pets at home

DR. VINOD SHARMA New Delhi-- A pet is a companion but it's also a huge responsibility. Pet owners should never take this responsibility lightly and...

Understanding the 4 categories of dog food

BY N. LOTHUNGBENI HUMTSOE New Delhi-- Keeping a pet is no less than a lifetime commitment as they are totally reliant on you. The pet...

Aesthetic couches and vintage decor ideas

New Delhi-- Every living room's focal piece is the couch, and the couch's style determines the theme of the space. To match the couch...

Top adventure sports for kids during summer vacations

BY ANKUSH RANA New Delhi-- As summer has already arrived and vacations are just around the corner, parents are wondering how to get their kids...

Pamper your skin with toxin free homemade face packs

New Delhi-- Pamper your skin with fresh fruits which are toxin free and ditch the chemical beauty treatments. Use seasonal fruits which are cost- effective...

As India mulls prohibition across the nation, Sula Vineyards CEO says it is impractical,...

By Nirmal Anshu Ranjan Nashik--At a time when there is talk of introducing prohibition across the country, a top Indian wine-maker says the concept has...

Thirty, flirty and thriving: It’s never too late to be a mom

By Natalia Ningthoujam New Delhi-- "Thirty, flirty and thriving" -- that's what the younger version of actress Jennifer Garner's character wished for in the 2004...

What Are the 5 Love Languages?

By Jasbina Ahluwalia Everyone wants to be loved for who they are. But how can you know if you're communicating your love in a way...

How to get a gymnast’s body like Tiger Shroff

New Delhi-- If you are someone who can't get over actor Tiger Shroff's fit body in his current release "Baaghi 2", then you can...
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