Cheers! Here’s how your liver breaks down alcohol

By Nishant Arora NEW DELHI--The New Year party is over and so is binge drinking. Hangover episodes are only worth mentioning on Facebook and your...

Run 365 miles with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg this year

NEW YORK-- For those who love to run, here is another reason to do so in New Year. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has announced...

Inherited activity traits linked to bipolar disorder identified

NEW YORK-- In the first study of its kind, researchers have identified a dozen inherited traits related to sleep, awake and activity cycles that...

Essential beauty tips for corporate brides

NEW DELHI-- Most brides today are busy with work deadlines, responsibilities and end up with barely any time to plan their wedding. But taking...

Plastic surgery in India has come of age, shows survey

NEW DELHI--With vanity high on the list of discretionary spending, even majority of middle class people in India today are accepting cosmetic plastic surgery...

Stop treating Google as your doctor

By Nishant Arora NEW DELHI-- Are you among those who log in to Google every time you are down with body ache, fever or cold,...

Indians three times more prone to cardiac arrest than Americans

NEW DELHI-- Indians are three times more prone to cardiac arrest than Americans owing primarily to poor lifestyle, eating habits and genetic reasons, medical...

90 percent of people get damaged knee joints by 60-65 years

NEW DELHI-- Nearly 90 percent of people suffer from damaged knee joints by the age of 60-65 years, orthopedicians have said, adding that in...

President Obama to Honor Rakesh Jain of MGH and Harvard Medical School

WASHINGTON--The White House announced the latest recipients of the National Medal of Science and National Medal of Technology and Innovation—our Nation’s highest honors for...

Plan a Healthier 2016

By Sneh Jaisingh INDIA New England News Columnist I still can’t believe it’s time to bid adieu to 2015. Time sure is pacing and most of...
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