80 Dancers Dazzle Vision-Aid Event, Attended by 720 People; $113,000 Raised for the Visually...

LITTLETON, MA—Dazzled by 80 dancers and attended by 720 people, Vision-Aid’s annual event “Golden Armor: Golden Heart” this month raised $113,000 for visually impaired...

United India Association Cancels Holi Event Due to Coronavirus, to Refund Money to Those...

WALTHAM, MA—United India Association of New England, a non-profit community organization that held its annual Holi evert during the past 10 years, is cancelling...

Boston Indians Celebrate International Women’s Day

By Divya Chaturvedi Every year March 8 is celebrated as International Women’s Day. There are hundreds of events all over the globe celebrating women’s social,...
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