Sikh man stabbed, turban ripped off in Birmingham attack

Tarsem Thethy (Photo courtesy: Daily Mail)

London–An elderly Sikh postmaster in the UK was stabbed in the neck and head and his turban was ripped off by a robber during a violent knife attack.

Tarsem Thethy, 67, was left with stab wounds after the attack at the Post Office in Erdington, Birmingham. The incident happened in March this year, but the CCTV footage of the attack has been issued by the police now, the Metro daily reported on Tuesday.

The footage shows the moment the robber lunged at Thethy with a six-inch blade in the post office. Thethy’s wife Kulwant said he is “not the same person” since the attack.

Tarsem Thethy (Photo Anita Maric via courtesy: Daily Mail)

Thethy, father of three said: “Normally when somebody comes in, I greet them… But before I could speak, he had got in my face and stabbed me in the neck.”

“He was shouting ‘give me the money, give me the keys’. The man was crazy, he was pushing me around and wielding the knife.”

In the footage, the pair was seen grappling after the attacker ripped the turban off Thethy’s head.

Thethy’s wife managed to trigger the panic alarm from a separate room, leading to the man rushing out of the shop on March 17 morning.

“He kept telling me that he would kill me,” Thethy was quoted as saying by the daily.

“Looking back, I’m not sure if he cared about the money. I think he just wanted to kill somebody. Ever since the incident, I have felt scared every day to work in the shop,” the Sikh man said.


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