5 Reasons You Should Be Using Instagram for Business

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By Maria Jones

Among the social media networks, Instagram has emerged as the most versatile marketing tool and if you are not leveraging this popular platform, you are missing out on a lot. Picture this; 500 million monthly active users (MAUs), over 40 billion videos shared to date, and an average of 95 million photos and videos shared daily. The numbers are just mindboggling and as a marketer, you should be angling on how to get a piece of this growing customer base.

Well, it goes without saying that Instagram should already be at the core of your online marketing strategy. With the popularity of visual content, this platform has come as a Godsend for any brand serious about boosting online visibility and staying ahead in its niche. If you are not yet taken on the place of Instagram in your business, take a look at the following benefits:

  1. Increased Engagement

A recent Forrester Survey shows that a branded Instagram post generates 58 times more engagement per follower compared to Facebook and a whopping 120 times more engagement than Twitter. Branded updates on this network are making it very easy for businesses to start engagement and maintain strong relationships with potential leads. From Coca Cola to Starbucks, major brands are leveraging this platform and so should you.

  1. Customer Insight

One of the most important tools for any modern business is customer information. If you know what your customers want, then you are already ahead of the competition. Instagram helps you learn what your target customers love just by looking at what they are saying about your products or services.  It is easier to know what people love about your business, be it online or local.

  1. New Leads Opportunities

The modern business environment is highly competitive and one of the toughest things about it is breaking new frontiers. Earning leads and converting them has never been tougher but now, Instagram gives you some reprieve.  Internet users love hashtags to discover what is trending and as a brand, this is a great way to get noticed by your target customers. By searching for users sharing photos related to your products or services, you can make an introduction. The Discover tab will help you connect to targeted Instagram followers.

  1. Connecting Across Channels

Your business probably already has other social media networks including Facebook and Twitter. Using Instagram on your website helps you connect with customers across other channels. Cross-channel engagement is great for your brand as it boosts visibility while also building brand trust. By enabling social sharing on Facebook and Twitter, you can automatically share your posts, thus increasing visibility.

  1. Sales Conversion

Picture this; one local restaurant has an active Instagram account with regular posting of delicious-looking meals targeting the local market. There is a similar restaurant in the neighborhood which has no such visibility. Of course the first restaurant will attract more traffic which will generate sales.

Instagram offers an innovative, vibrant and affordable marketing platform for any type of business.  Presence on the platform builds your brand personality, increases traffic to your site, and boosts sales through target marketing. It is the ultimate marketing strategy.

(Maria Jones is a digital marketer based in Miami. She boasts over 17 years’ experience in the industry and has now become an authority on how to boost Instagram followers. Maria is also a certified diver.)


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